
阅读下列材料,完成小题。材料一:近几年,随着智能手机的普及,各种实用的移动端软件也应运而生,针对学生群体的多款作业软件也异军突起。因其强大的自动解题功能,受到学生的追捧。不少学生将“帮做作业”软件视为一种快捷的学习方式。材料二:“帮作业、大眼作业、作业通、问他作业、学霸君”……只要从手机应用商店搜索“作业”两个字,就能找到十几个解题的软件。“10个伙伴9个都在用;拍照搜题,秒出答案;作文搜索,高分作文Valencia is in the east part of Spain. It has a port on the sea, two miles away on the coast. It is the capital of a province that is also named Valencia. The city is a market center for what is produced by the land round the city. Most of the city’s money is made from farming. It is also a busy business city, with ships, railways, clothes and machine factories. Valencia has an old part with white old buildings, colored roofs, and narrow streets. The modern part has long, wide streets and new buildings. Valencia is well known for its parks and gardens. It has many old churches and museums. The university in the center of the city was built in the 13th century. The city of Valencia has been known since the 2nd century. In the 8th century it was the capital of Spain. There is also an important city in Venezuela named Valencia. From the text, how many places have the name Valencia?    A. One.          B. Two.             C. Three.               D. Four. What is the main difference between the two parts of the city?    A. The age of the buildings.             B. The parks and gardens.    C. The number of people.                 D. The churches and museums. When was Valencia the most important city in Spain?    A. In the 2nd century.    B. In the 8th century.  C. In the 13th century.     D. In the 20th century. What is Valencia famous for?    A. Its seaport.                          B. Its university.      C. Its churches and museums.                D. Its parks and gardens. The main income of the city of Valencia is from its _____.    A. markets           B. businesses           C. factories            D. agriculture
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