
My dear daughter, You're growing up and gaining a lot of wisdom. Here are some things that you need to remember at any time.Love yourself No one is perfect. Sometimes we make mistakes—learn from them and move on. Take responsibility for your part, try not to make the same mistake again and forgive yourself.Love your body.You are beautiful. You don’t have to be thin or tall to be beautiful. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Take care of your body. Exercise, eat healthily, and you will be beautiful. Believe in yourself.Do the best you can in school and don't worry so much about what your十九世纪末,以“物竞天择,适者生存”为主旨诠释进化论、阐明自己主张的维新派代表人物是A.严复B.梁启超C.康有为D.郑观应
英语 试题推荐