
根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。Colours can affect our moods. For example, blue has a way of c 【1】 a peaceful and calm feeling. That’s because blue can show the pulse and lower the body temperature.A large number of people choose blue or green a 【2】 their favourite colour. Green r 【3】, in many people’s minds, nature, good luck or springtime. Having some greenery, in each room of a house is a nice way to make the atmosphere a little more r 【4】.Red is a colour that draws attention. It’s c 【5】 the warmest colour and often creates feelings of p下列关于英国工业革命的叙述中,不正确的是A.创造了巨大的生产力,促进了经济的发展B.使社会日益分裂为工业资产阶级和工业无产阶级C.标志着资产阶级统治在英国的确立D.在客观上传播了先进的生产技术和生产方式
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