
阅读理解 14 days. That's the time Chinese scientists tookto identify the full genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus (新冠病毒) since its outbreak. It was shared with the WHO immediately, andhas now become an important foundation for global researchers in the fightagainst the COVID-19. But first, let us turn the clock back 17 years, when ittook months to identify the SARS virus. From months to 14 days, what changed?It turns out AI played an important part. The scientists first obtained bronchoalveolarlavage (BAL) fluid (支气管扩张灌洗液) samples from patients, isolated (分有下列四种微粒:①、②、③、④。用①、②、③、④回答:(1)按原子半径由大到小顺序排列的是                ,(2)微粒中质子数小于中子数的是                ,(3)在化合物中呈现的化合价的数值最高的是         ,(4)能形成型化合物的是         。
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