
Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组的序号填入空格。每空格限填一词/词组,每词/词组只能填一次) A. whether B. smiled at C. laughs D. inside E. everyone F. produce G. nervous Today was my first day in a university! I could not believe my eyes because it just seemed like one big dream to me. I was very glad that I was attending a university, but since it was my first time at a university as a student, I was 【1】 and not sure what to except. I couldn’t stop thinking about m下列说法错误的是(  )①硝化细菌、霉菌、水绵的细胞都含有核糖体、DNA、RNA;②能进行有氧呼吸的细胞一定含有线粒体,含线粒体的细胞每时每刻都在进行有氧呼吸;③人的一生中,细胞分化的高峰期在青春期;④细胞分化使各种细胞的遗传物质有所差异,导致细胞的形态和功能各不相同;⑤蛙红细胞、人脑细胞、洋葱根尖分生区细胞并不都有细胞周期,但这些细胞的化学成分都在不断更新. A、①②③④B、②③④⑤C、②③④D、①②④⑤
英语 试题推荐