
Wanted: Pet SitterDo you like dogs? Do you have free time at the weekend? We need a pet sitter ( 临时照看宠物者) for our dog. Hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Pay is £2 each hour.For the job, you will watch our dog, feed it and walk with it.You will work in our house. We live in London, near Victoria station.Please call 0207 9226216. Ask for Ms Smith.Pet Sitter Away for the weekend?Going on holiday?I’m 15 years old and have experience caring for dogs and cats.Your home or mine. Call Adam.Phone: 888-6870.Dog Sitter Working Time: Part Time Working Place: Sh已知集合,B={1,m},A∪B=A,则m=( )A.0或B.0或3C.1或D.1或3
英语 试题推荐