
My mother is 92. Unless I have to be out of town, each week I take my mother to do her ______ and visit the doctor, providing ______ and transportation. During the week, however, she likes to go to a nearby store to ______ some small things she needs. Last week she walked up to the store, but when she went to pay for her groceries, she was ______ about three dollars. The only ______ to pay for the groceries was to take off the ______ she could do without: a bottle of rubbing alcohol(医用酒精)and a bar of soup. By taking of these, she was able to ______ the new total to the amount of ca严复译著《天演论》中提出“世道必进,后胜于今”的进步观点,启发了当时的中国知识界去探索、学习西方先进的社会制度。近代中国从制度上学习西方始于(    )A. 洋务运动 B. 戊戌变法 C. 辛亥革命 D. 新文化运动
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