
What if we had the power to control time, instead of moving from the past to the present to the future? What if we could jump, loop and travel through time in a machine? What if we could go wherever and whenever we pleased?This ability would allow us to witness historic wonders, change decisions and see people from the past. We could right wrongs and stop wars from starting.The mysterious puzzle of time has kept people debating its nature for hundreds of years. Science fiction writers have turned it into imaginative stories. Some scientists have even attempted to explain it using math. This ma请根据字的不同意思组词并造句。迷 ①分辨不清:(     )                                                                                                              ②使人陶醉:(     )                                                                                                          堪  ①可,能:(     )                                                                                                                  ②能忍受,能承受:(     )                                                                                              
英语 试题推荐