
Women around the world are working to help the environment. Here are four who have done their part to protect Earth’s plants and animals. Which of these women most encourages you to take action? Scientist Jane Goodall was born in London, England. She has always loved animals. She especially loves apes. Chimpanzees are apes. At age 26, Goodall began studying chimps in Tanzania. That’s in Africa. She is fighting to prevent trees being cut down in chimps’ living areas. Activist Wangari Maathai was known as the Mother of Trees. She taught people how important trees are to the environment. S我国民族的分布特点是( )。A.大散居、小聚居、交错杂居 B.大聚居、小散居C.汉族都集中在东部 D.少数民族都分布在偏远山区
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