
In recent(近来的)years, many students from China come to the UK to study in schools there. Over 4,000 new students came in 2018. Most of them decide to study in a UK university(大学) after studying in middle schools in the UK. It can help them make their written and spoken English better, find out more about a different culture and to know very different ways of teaching.Studying in the UK will be a special and interesting thing. Unlike China, the UK isn’t a large country. Its furthest mainland points are only 1,350 km away. We can visit many great cities in a short time, such as Lo关于欧洲西部旅游景点的说法,正确的是(  )A.英国的峡湾风光引人入胜B.伦敦的艾菲尔铁塔令人景仰C.南部地中海沿岸国家的海滨沙滩优美宜人D.芬兰的花卉尤其是郁金香闻名世界
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