
Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)People have seen the colorful shared bikes (共享单车) in the city streets around China for two years. People can rent (租用) them with a smartphone app and then park anywhere they choose. To relieve (减少) traffic jams and air pollution, many cities have introduced bike-sharing services. But sometimes, dreams are not so perfect.It is true that it is convenient for people to go out by shared bike. As shared bikes become more popular, problems showed up. According to news reports, users treated shared bikes badly. A某兴趣小组在室温下进行了酵母菌无氧呼吸的探究实验(如图)。下列分析错误的是( )A.滴管中冒出的气泡是反应产生CO2的结果B.葡萄糖中的能量一部分转移至ATP,其余留在酒精中C.若试管中的水换成冷水,气泡释放速率下降D.试管中加水的主要目的是制造无氧环境
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