
The Danish lifestyle concept of hygge means many indescribable feeling of comfortable things to many people. Now, join us in visiting some of the best hygge places.1. Manhausen (Manshausen,Norway)Adventure-seeking people needn’t look further than Manhausen, a 55-acre island escape in Norway’s Grotoya strait. Not to be missed: the saltwater hot tub overlooking the sea and family-style meals enjoyed fireside at the main house. The baby sitting service also available.Get more information here.2. Cedar Lakes Estate (Port Jervis,New York)Occupying 500 bucolic acres, this turn-of-the-century王安石变法与“庆历新政”相比更侧重于A.增加政府财政收入B.整顿吏治C.加强中央集权D.减轻农民负担
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