
阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Mary, Tom and BuddyMary was a 17-year-old girl with long brown hair and pretty eyes. Every evening she would take her dog, Buddy, out for a walk before dinner. She had named her dog Buddy because it was very friendly to everybody it met. But Buddy never barked (叫) at anyone or any dogs when they were out for their walks.One night, something strange happened. For the first time in its life, Buddy barked when they were taking a walk beside a forest.“What’s the matter, Buddy?” Ma看图说话 请仔细观察以下历史地图和历史图画,结合所学知识回答问题 图一: 图二: 请回答: (1) 图一反映的是汉武帝时期          出使西域。(2分) (2) 该历史事件促使西汉政府于公元前60年设置了什么官职?它的设置有何重大历史意义?(4分) (3) 图二所示的东西方商路是指?请写出这一商路的作用。(4分)
英语 试题推荐