
I was recently invited to dinner by a friend. During the meal, the ______ of the restaurant came over and said our meal was free. I was ______. He stood there smiling at me and there was an air of ______. Finally I asked him if he knew me. He said I had ______ forgotten him, but I had ______ his life. My friend was quite ______ and asked him how I had done this.He said twelve years ago I was teaching a stress management class and he was one of the ______. I asked the group what their number one ______ was and most of them said it was from their bosses.I listened to everyone, then ______ a chai18.将下列句子组成语意连贯的语段,排序最恰当的一项是(  )①中国艺术追求的境界如空谷幽兰,高山大川之间的一朵幽兰,似有若无,也无人注意,在这个阒寂的世界中,它自在开放,没有人的干涉。②在西方没有这样相似的美学观念,这是东方民族独特的美学思想。③并不因其小而微不足道,并不因其不显眼而失去魅力,更不因为它处在无人问津的山谷而顿失意韵。④空灵,是中国艺术追求的崇高境界,也是中国艺术的重要范畴。⑤正相反,中国艺术观念认为,这样的美淡而悠长,空而海涵,小而永恒。⑥小小的花朵散发出淡淡的幽香,似淡若浓,沁人心脾。A.①②④⑥③⑤B.④②①⑥③⑤C.①⑥②③⑤④D.④①⑥③②⑤
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