
阅读理解 Food Parts You Should Never Throw Away in the Garbage Pineapple Core (果心) When you carve out the core of t pineapple, don't throw it in the garbage. You can use the pineapple core for all kinds of recipes, and there are tons of vitamins and minerals hiding within.To use the pineapple core: cut it and add it to fruit salad, put it into smoothies (水果雪泥), cut it into cubes and freeze for law use, or simply add it to water or even tea to improve flavor. Kiwi Skln If you never thought you could eat kiwi in the way you eat a peach, think again. That skin really is good for下列各组物质混合后,有白色沉淀生成的是 [  ] A.氯化钙溶液,碳酸钠溶液,足量稀硝酸 B.硝酸银溶液,碳酸钾溶液,足量稀盐酸 C.硫酸镁溶液,氯化钠溶液,足量氢氧化钠溶液 D.氯化铜溶液,氢氧化钾溶液,足量硝酸钠溶液
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