
19世纪50年代中期开始,世界政治格局出现了多极化的趋势,以下是各新兴力量崛起过程中的重大事件,它们发生的先后顺序应为() ①欧洲经济共同体成立②中国“一五”计划完成③日本成为仅次于美国的资本主义世界第二经济大国④第一次不结盟国家和政府首脑会议召开 A . ①②③④ B . ②③④① C . ①③②④ D . ②④①③Mr Klip is a millionaire(百万富翁). He __1___ delicious food. He had a good ___2__, Mr Black. The man could cook all kinds of food.  Mrs Klip asked him __3____ her last month. She learned a lot ___4____ him. Then she thought she was good at __5____ and didn’t want Mr Black to work for them___6____ .Now Mrs Klip begins to cook for her ___7_____ . But Mr Klip doesn’t like the food at all. He says he won’t___8___ any food at home ___9____  she doesn’t stop cooking. Mrs Klip___10____ she will find another cook for her husband.This morning Mr Klip had nothing to do, ___11____ he went shopping. Suddenly he broke a window of the shop . The shop assistant ___12____ the policeman and the policeman took him to the ___13____. The policeman said, “ I’m sorry to tell you, Mr Klip , I will fine (罚款) you ten dollars ,or you’ll stay in prison (监狱). ____14____ do you want ?” “I’ll stay in prison”, said the millionaire. “Why ?” “Because my wife will find a new cook __15_____ ten days .【小题1】A.knowsB.likesC.cooksD.sees【小题2】A.wifeB.friendC.teacherD.cook【小题3】A.teachB.to teachC.teachingD.taught【小题4】A.forB.fromC.withD.about【小题5】A.cookingB.singingC.doingD.eating【小题6】A.yetB.tooC.any longerD.either【小题7】A.boyB.husbandC.daughterD.son【小题8】A.eatB.buyC.sellD.make【小题9】A.whenB.ifC.untilD.and【小题10】A.tellsB.speaksC.talksD.says【小题11】A.andB.soC.becauseD.but【小题12】A.namedB.calledC.saidD.cried【小题13】A.bus stationB.hospitalC.post officeD.police station【小题14】A.WhichB.WhatC.WhyD.When【小题15】A.forB.inC.atD.with
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