
听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【1】What does the woman offer to do for the man?A. Take him to a dance party.B. Send him back to the hotel.C. Show him around the New Orleans.【2】How did the man come to meet the woman?A. By taking a boat. B. By taking a streetcar. C. by walking there.【3】What does the man want to do?A. Go to a jazz club. B. Boat on the river. C. Have a rest.探究蚯蚓在玻璃板和粗糙的纸上运动速度的快慢: (1)提出的问题是:___________________________ (2)作出的假设是:___________________________ (3)制定计划:     取一条活的蚯蚓放在玻璃板上,观察它的运动,并测量它在2分钟里蠕动的距离。将这条蚯蚓放存粗糙的纸上,观察它的运动,也测量它在2分钟里蠕动的距离。如此进行3次,求出蚯蚓在玻璃板和粗糙纸上各自运动的平均距离。对比结果,得出结论。 (4)实施计划(按实验计划进行): 在实验的过程中,应经常用浸水的湿棉花球,轻轻地擦蚯蚓体表,这是因为蚯蚓是靠____________呼吸的。 (5)得出结论:________________________________________
英语 试题推荐