
五四爱国运动留下了伟大的“五四”精神,下列关于五四运动的叙述准确的是A. “外争主权,内除国贼”的口号最能体现“反帝反封建”性质B. 爆发的直按原因是袁世凯就任中华民国临时大总统C. 南京国民政府拒绝在对德“和约”上签字,取得初步胜利D. 使中国革命的面貌焕然一新 答案:【答案】A【解析】依据所学可知,五四运动是一次彻底的反帝反封建的运动,其中“外争主权,内除国贼”的口号最能体现“反帝反封建”性质,A项说法正确;1919年,巴黎和会外交失败,引发了五四运动,B项说法错误;迫于压力,北洋军阀政府拒绝在对德“和约”上签字,取得初步胜利,C项说法错For the most part, schools are designed to produce people who fit into society, not people who set out to change it. However, schools, particularly universities, may not only spread culture; they may add to the cultural heritage(遗产). Today American society places a good deal of emphasis on the development of new knowledge, especially in the physical and biological sciences , medicine, and engineering. In the recent years, the nation’s leading universities have increasingly become research centers.An emphasis(强调)on research has led universities to judge professors not by abilities as teachers, but as researcher. promotions(提升), salary increases , and other benefits have long been dependent on research and publication. However, the most important is no longer publishing. To be successful these days, professors have to bring in money provided by government and private industry. Critics claim that academic(学术) success is most likely to come to those who have learned to“ignore”their teaching duties to pursue research activities. Defenders say that even when students themselves are not involved in research projects they benefit from such an emphasis on research. Major research universities like the Massachustts Institute of Technology have also cooperated with industrial companies to develop technology and products with commercial potential(潜能).With university-industry ties continuing to grow, debate(辩论)has increased about the consequences for basic science, academic openness, the control of information, the direction of research, and the influence on students.1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT emphasized by today’s American society?A. Physical science.          B. Biological science. C. Engineering.            D. Computer science.2. In the present standard, a successful professor is one who can____.A. teach well             B. get financial support for researchC. get the highest salary    D. have many publications3. Supporters of the present emphasis on research argue that_____.A. it involves more students in it.B. it does good to students anyway.C. it has a direct good effect on teachingD. it earns a lot of money for a university4. The author seems to be_____ the move of emphasis to research. A. totally against   B. sorry to see      C. in favor of    D. neutral (中立) about
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