
2016年1月1日,M先生收到L先生偿还的为期一年的借款本金10万元与利息5000元,同期二人所在的国家通货膨胀为7%,这意味着A. 该国的社会总需求小于社会总供给B. 民间借贷是造成通货膨胀的原因之一C. 在此借贷关系中,通货膨胀使双方利益同时受损D. 在此借贷关系中,通货膨胀损害了M先生的利益 答案:【答案】D【解析】试题通货膨胀为7%说明价格上涨,价格上涨说明该国的社会总需求大于社会总供给,即供不应求,A不选;通货膨胀的主要是因为纸币的发行量超过了流通中所需的货币量,这和民间借贷无关,B不选;通货膨胀率=(现期物价水平—基期物价水平)/基期物价水平,把这个公式变一下就可以 Now, you may be thinking, “Oh my goodness, how do I start to get better sleep? 【1】” Well, beyond avoiding the damaging and harmful impact of alcohol and caffeine on sleep, and if you’re struggling with sleep at night, avoiding naps during the day, I have two pieces of advice for you.The first is regularity. Go to bed at the same time, wake up at the same time, no matter whether it’s the weekday or the weekend. Regularity is king, and it will anchor your sleep and improve the quantity and the quality of that sleep.【2】 Your body needs to drop its core temperature by about two to three degrees Fahrenheit (华氏) to initiate sleep and then to stay asleep, and it’s the reason you will always find it easier to fall asleep in a room that’s too cold than too hot. So aim for a bedroom temperature of around 65 degrees, or about 18 degrees Celsius (摄氏度). 【3】And then finally, in taking a step back, then, what is the mission-critical statement here? Well, I think it may be this: sleep, unfortunately, is not an optional lifestyle luxury. 【4】 It is your life-support system, and it is Mother Nature’s best effort yet at immortality (长生不老). And the decrease of sleep throughout industrialized nations is having a disastrous impact on our health, our wellness, even the safety and the education of our children. 【5】 And it’s fast becoming one of the greatest public health challenges that we face in the 21st century.A.Is it a good idea to stay up?B.The second is keep it cool.C.It’s a silent sleep loss disease.D.Sleep is a biological necessity.E.What are your tips for good sleep?F.That’s going to be the best option for the sleep of most people.G.You can’t update your memory if you don’t have enough sleep.
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