
小明和小华在综合实践活动中想制作一个医用冷藏盒,不知道给药品降温用冰好,还是盐水结成的冰好?他们动手测量了盐水的凝固点。(1)实验所提供的温度计有两种,分別是:“﹣2℃~102℃”和“﹣20℃~102℃”的温度计。在选择器材时,小明提出应选择量程为“_____”的温度计,这样选择的原因是_____。(2)在测量过程中,他们同时发现所测得盐水凝固点并不相同,于是对比了双方实验过程,发现烧杯中装水都是200ml,小明加了1汤匙的盐,而小 Succulents(多肉植物) are booming in popularity for two simple reasons: they are beautiful and easy to grow. You can plant succulents in containers or in the garden, but either way, take care to make sure your plants are healthy. Here are some general rules. Get the pots ready. Succulents need pots that will house the plant comfortably. The actual pot size will depend on the size of the plant. You need to repot(移盆) them later. If you keep it in a smaller pot, it will generally stick to that size. You’d best choose clay (陶土) pots. There should be 3 or more holes at the bottom of the pot. Prepare your soil. Don’t use regular potting soil because it will hold onto too much water that may cause your succulents to rot. A well-drained soil is a must. Succulents tolerate dry conditions and poorer soils. Give them some light. Succulents prefer bright light; therefore, place the pots in an area where there is plenty of sunlight, direct or indirect. Succulents need at least four hours of direct light each day. Don’t expose your succulents to hot summer sun for too long. Water your plant. One of the common mistakes made with succulents is overwatering. If you overwater your succulents, they aren’t going to survive. It’s the same with simply spraying them lightly. The best way to water succulents is the “soak and dry” method. Basically, you need to give your succulents enough water so that the soil gets completely wet. Then, let it dry out completely before you water again. Once every couple of weeks is generally enough during the warmer months. Over winter they don’t really need water at all. Feed your succulents during the plants’ active growing season. Some grow actively in summer while others are winter plants. Stop fertilizing(施肥) when plant growth naturally slows. How to grow 【1】 SucculentsRules for growing succulents Specific instructions Get the pots ready.Choose a pot according to the size of your succulent. Choose a big pot and your succulent will get much 【2】. Clay pots with holes are the best 【3】. Prepare the soil. When planting them, make sure the soil is well drained. Succulents will rot in 【4】soils. Give them some light. Succulents need at least four hours of direct light 【5】. 【6】 them from hot sun during the summer. Water succulents 【7】. Overwatering and spraying will kill succulents. The “soak and dry” method 【8】 best for succulents. Don’t water succulents again until the soil has 【9】 out.Fertilize. Succulents need 【10】 during the growing season. Stop fertilizing when plant growth naturally slows.
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