
The news on TV reported that there was a heavy rainstorm in our area. We could hear strong winds outside our home. Black clouds were making the sky very dark. Everyone in the neighborhood【1】busy . My dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows 【2】my mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. She also put some candles and 【3】 on the table. When the rain began to beat heavily 【4】 the windows, I was helping my mom make dinner . After dinner,we tried to play a card game,but it was hard to have fun【5】a serious storm happening outside.I could not fall 【6】35、小强是市三中的学生,宋某是该市八中的学生。一天下午,小强放学回家,路遇同班同学王某与宋某正在发生口角,便不分青红皂白上前为王某助威,并打了起来。宋某知道自己打不过他俩,便说:“你们别逞能,有种改天再比试比试。”双方约定“明天下午在某公园见。”第二天下午,双方又叫了一些同学,在公园一见面就打了起来。殴打中,双方都有损伤。王、宋二人因小事发生口角,由争吵发生到纠集多人打群架,严重扰乱了社会秩序。公安机关依照《治安管理处罚法》的规定,对他们分别进行了处罚。 分析上述案例,请回答: (1)有人认为小强的行为是见义勇为,够朋友,你怎么看? (2)如果路遇同学与别人发生纠纷,你该怎么办? (3)通过这一事例,你有什么启示?
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