
用所给的单词的适当形式填空。【1】My elder sister always helps our mother with housework like ________(wash)clothes.【2】People usually use computers ___________(operate)railways. Sometimes, computers can do things better than us.【3】My father said he was going _______(buy)a nice computer for me.【4】Laptops are easier _________(carry)around than desktops, so I want a laptop.【5】Try hard, or you will not be able _______(get)a good mark in the following English test.邓.小平幽默的说:“如果对政治上东山再起的人设立奥林匹克奖的话,我很有资格获得该奖的金牌。”面对邓.小平政治生活中的三度沉浮,我们最应该学习他A.不怕打击,愈挫愈勇的精神B.一切以党和国家前途命运为重的崇高品德和博大胸怀C.敢于斗争,坚持真理的精神D.严于律己,宽于待人的精神
英语 试题推荐