
Tips for First Time International TravelersSo you've finally decided to see the world—congratulations! Needless to say, traveling abroad can bring a lot of excitement.【1】. To help make sure that your trip will go smoothly, follow these essential steps below:▲Secure and double-check your passportYour passport is the most crucial thing you need when traveling to another country. If you don't have one yet, make sure you apply for it before your expected departure. Your passport is necessary not only for your flight.【2】. Some would even hold your passport during your stay as collateral半命题作文。春暖花开,柳舞莺啼,那是美妙的青春旋律;朔风卷雪,枭鸟怪鸣,那是黯淡的青春音符。成功它并不平凡,是暴风雨后的彩虹;失败也并不简单,是千锤百炼的锻造。在你青春潋滟的波光中,一定有酸甜苦辣的生活体验,有五彩缤纷的人生梦想,有敢为人先的探索追寻……请以“ ,我的青春旋律”为题,写一篇600字以上的文章。要求:①将题目补充完整,例如填写“拼搏”“坚强”“尽责”“感恩”“诚信”“追逐梦想”“成就美德”等,你也可以自行提炼一个词语或短语填写在横线上,进行写作。②文体自选,诗歌除外; ③书写工整,卷面整洁;④不得套作抄袭;⑤文中不能出现与自己有关的真实姓名、地名、校名。
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