
课文填空Yet, some people are【1】 They claim that surfing the Internet is a waste of time. They make the 【2】 that children spend too much time chatting and playing games instead of 【3】 on their school work. However, a recent survey conducted in the USA shows that 80 per cent of Internet users 【4】 it mostly to search for answers to questions. The second most common use of the Internet, for 79 per cent of Internet users, is to find out information about hobbies. These statistics prove that gathering information is the 【5】 use for the Internet.深圳的方言俗称田野间的水沟为“圳”,深圳正因其水泽密布,村落边有一条深水沟而得名。但改革开放30年里,深圳从一个小渔村一跃成为拥有千万人口的现代化城市,全市无农村。根据材料回答问题。1.按照我国的城市等级划分标准,深圳属于A.集镇B.小城市C.大城市D.特大城市2.深圳崛起最主要的因素是A.科技发达B.交通便捷C.国家政策支持D.服务范围广
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