
阅读小说《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby)的有关green light选段,简要回答后面的问题。 Description 1Gatsby,My neighbor,was in his garden too. He was standing with his arms stretching out towards the water. I looked out to sea but I could only see a small green light. Perhaps it was the end of a dock(码头).Description 2It's a pity it's so misty(多雾的),”said Gatsby. “On a clear day I can see your house across the bay. At night there's a green light at the end of your dock. Daisy put her am through his as they looked out. The green light h补写出下列句子中的空缺部分。(1)意大利著名文学家但丁说:走自己的路,让别人去说吧!而庄周在《逍遥游)中早就有类似的表达“___________________,___________________”,且将其归因为“定乎内外之分,辩乎荣辱之境”。(2)李煜在《虞美人》中创造性运用设问句,“___________________?___________________。”问之以抽象,答之以具象,给人隽永之美。(3)杜牧《阿房宫赋》是一篇语言建构的艺术精品,“___________________,___________________”这两句紧承“阿房出”并扩展之,突出了阿房宫的雄浑气象。
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