
Everyone needs help sometimes. People depend on one another. That's why communities have special people ready to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it.For example, what would we do without a community fire station? If a home catches on fire,as the Jackson place did last week, it might be burned down and people get hurt…or worse. We're so lucky to have firemen to come to save people and put out the fire, safely. If the fire station hadn't come so fast, the Jacksons might have lost everything. And what about our local police who protect our families, our homes and valuable things?The po依次填人下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是(  ) ??①人要善于把握自我,一个人到世界上去奋斗,去追求,也许   ,也许败归。 ??②我国中小学生学习负担之重是有目共睹的,大家对这一点颇有   。 ??③一个樵夫   发现伯夷和叔齐都缩做一团,死在山背后的石洞里。 ??A.凯旋 微辞 偶然 B.胜利 微辞 偶尔 ??C.胜利 微辞 偶然 D.凯旋 微辞 偶尔
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