
根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。(每个词或短语只限使用一次) go off, look through, rise, heavy, dangerous 【1】The young man __________ newspapers again and again, he wanted to find a new job.【2】We should do something to help the __________ animals.【3】Don’t go outside, it is raining __________.【4】My clock didn’t __________ so I got up late this morning.【5】The sun __________ when they woke up at this time yesterday.如图表示Ⅰ~Ⅳ间的所属关系,其中I代表整个大圆,Ⅲ包含Ⅳ.下列符合如图所示关系的是(  )A.Ⅰ植物界Ⅱ被子植物Ⅲ裸子植物Ⅳ双于叶植物B.Ⅰ动物界Ⅱ脊椎动物Ⅲ无脊椎动物Ⅳ鱼类C.Ⅰ血液Ⅱ血浆Ⅲ血细胞Ⅳ血小板D.Ⅰ大豆种子Ⅱ子叶Ⅲ胚Ⅳ胚芽
英语 试题推荐