
We all want to grow up. However, many people don’t seem to understand that the physical growth isn’t the whole story. 【1】 The big part is the maturing of the mind, judgment, thinking and self-control. This has always proven to be more difficult.We measure maturity(成熟) in different ways. Birthdays are a common measure but not always a correct measure of maturity. 【2】 However, this is also not always a right way of measuring real maturity.So, what are the real aspects that determine whether one has grown up? One aspect is how a person spends his time. Those who waste their time i雨后,屋檐还在不断滴着水滴,如图所示.小红认真观察后发现,这些水滴都是在质量积累到足够大时才由静止开始下落.她测得,屋檐到施窗台的距离H=3.2m,窗户的高度为h=1.4m.如果g取10m/s2,试计算:(1)水滴下落到达窗台时的速度大小;(2)水滴经过窗户的时间.
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