
听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【1】Why does the woman seldom go to the shop?A.It’s too far for her.B.She doesn’t like the owner of the shop.C.The prices at supermarkets are lower.【2】What does the man think of the shop?A.He doesn’t need to line up.B.The prices are competitive.C.He can get the most for his money. 答案:【答案】【1】C【2】A【解析】【原文】此为听力题,解析略。W: This place is different from the supermarket we’re used to, isn’t it? I don’t come here very often because I think the prices are higher than those at supermarkets.M: There isn’t much of a selection. I mean, there are only one or two brands of each type of product, but that makes it easier to choose things大运河是我国古代劳动人民创建的一项伟大工程,是祖先留给我们的珍贵物质和精神财富。是活着的、流动的重要人类遗产,完成下列问题。  唐朝沿用了隋朝开辟的大运河。唐高祖、唐太宗在位期间,每年从外地通过运河输送到长安的粮食约20万石,唐玄宗天宝年间增加到250万石。安史之乱后,唐朝还能再延续150多年,很重要的原因就是靠运河转运的东南财富支持。大运河把长安、洛阳,涿郡、江都(扬州)、余杭(杭州)等通都大邑联系起来。杭州在中唐以后日益繁华,“万商所聚,百货所殖,……骈樯二十里,开肆三万室”。图11    隋朝大运河示意图    (1)读图11,结合材料概括大运河在唐朝发挥的作用。(8分)
英语 试题推荐