
用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 programpilot play engineer act (1) I'm going to be an actor, so I'm going totakelessons. (2) Mark likes playing basketball, He wantsto be a basketball (3) I'm going to be a computerwhenI grow up. (4) Jim's brother is going to be a(n)becausehe loves flying in the blue sky. (5) Mark likes making things. He wants to bea(n)inthe future.为了发挥班级在文明礼仪教育活动中的作用,班主任决定开展一次以“文明礼仪,从我做起”为主题的班会。假如你是这次班会的主持人,请你写一段话作为开场白。 ____________________________
英语 试题推荐