
We Want You!Join us at Lily’s, one of the best local restaurants. We are now looking for people who would be interested in working with us.3 cooksAt least one year’s experience in a western restaurant kitchen.Able to work on weekends.Work 16-21 every day ($600/week)4 waitressesAt least one year’s work experience in a café or restaurant.Part-time welcome.Like fast-paced work and accept shift changes (换班).Work 6-13, 11-18, 16-21 ($16/hour)2 cleanersNo experience needed.Part-time welcome.Work 12-15 or 17-22 ($12/hour)We’re also looking for 2 delivery workers who are good at riding a 下列各句中加粗的成语使用正确的一句是  [     ]A.一开盘,这支股票就一路狂跌,势如破竹,使已经遭受股市重重打击的股民雪上加霜。B.我,15岁,一个中学三年级学生,在读了许多报刊文学之后,心血来潮,见猎心喜,也学写了一篇小说,冒失地向文学刊物投稿。     C.作者的这些散文,曾有十多篇在本报刊载过,因为受到许多读者的喜爱,作者才连篇累牍地写下去。D.清朝吴敬梓的《儒林外史》辛辣地讽刺了那些道貌岸然的“正人君子”。
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