
黑兔有47只,比白兔多19只,白兔有多少只?黑兔和白兔一共有多少只? 答案:【答案】28只 75只 【解析】用黑兔只数减去比白兔多的只数即可求出白兔只数;用加法计算两种兔一共有多少只即可。47-19=28(只)47+28=75(只)答:白兔有28只,黑兔和白兔一共有75只。单词拼写 74. The earthquake has caused a lot of _________ (痛苦) to the people in this area.  ks5u  75. He was so tall that I ___________ (认出) him immediately in the crowd. 76. John is very _________(可靠). If he promises to do something, he’ll do it. 77. However hard the problem is , he is determined to ___________(解决) it.  78. After questioned for many times, he finally a__________ that he had stolen the wallet 79. He devotes most of his time to e__________ students in the rural country. 80. I like the colour of the clothes. But I don’t like the d__________. It’s out of fashion. 81. Last spring festival , he d_______ his house with many flowers as if spring was coming soon.
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