
电视节目《舌尖上的中国2》中推出了扬州烫干丝:大白干切成细丝,反复洗烫,去尽豆腥味,浇上精制卤汁及芝麻油,佐以姜丝、虾米而成.下列有关烫干丝的说法中错误的是() A . 用热水洗烫干丝时通过热传递的方式增加了干丝的内能 B . 切成细丝的干丝“藕断丝连”是由于分子间存在斥力 C . 烫干丝香味四射说明分子在永不停息地做无规则运动 D . 烫干丝的温度越高越能入味说明分子运动快慢与温度有关 选用适当的词填空 few, a few, little, a little 1.There is a little bird in the tree, but only _______ people saw it. 2.Could I have _______ words with you, Miss White? 3.We don’t like him, because he does _______ for other people. 4.He has _______ friends here and he seldom goes out on weekend. 5.She read _______ and wrote even less. 6.There is only _______ water in the pot. 7.Quite _______ of them have been to the Great Wall.
物理 试题推荐