
“I can’t believe that you forgot to come to study with me last night!” shouted Sherri to her best friend Taylor. “Because of you, I failed today’s math test. You’re so thoughtless.”“You’re being silly, Sherri,” said Taylor. “ I didn’t come because I had to stay late at baseball practice. I called and told your dad. I guess you didn’t get the message.”Have you ever been really angry with one of your friends or family members for letting you down? Everybody feels like this sometimes, but the key to controlling (控制) your anger is knowing what you are feeling and wh “必先富而后能强,尤必富在民生而国本乃可益固。”下列洋务运动符合上文思想的是 [  ] A.创办轮船招商局 B.创办天津机器制造局 C.创办京师同文馆 D.组建三支舰队
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