
Happy Courses for Junior High School Students!Golden Finger ClubSpend your summer holidays wisely!* All classes start at 2 p.m.* All classes are two thirds of the price for you two if you invite one of your friends together!* For more information: Call 76578645.Fun with BasketballFriday (2 hours)Course Fee: $ 40☆Good coaches from Haved School’s team☆Understand the rules of the games☆Pass the ball☆Shoot the ball inside☆All classes at the gym of Haved School Speak Good EnglishMonday (1 hour)Course Fee: $ 60☆British teachers from Whitehawk School☆Small groups: 5 students each☆Le13.图为小江用显微镜观察小鱼尾鳍内的血液流动情况,箭头表示血流方向,请根据图填写内容:(1)他在视野中发现了这样一些血管A段是静脉、B段是毛细血管C段是动脉(2)辨别三种血管的依据是:动脉内血液从主干流向分支;静脉内血液从分支流向主干;毛细血管内血液红细胞单行通过.
英语 试题推荐