
Winter holiday is coming, time to read something just for fun. You might soon find yourself holding your breath as you turn the pages of a frightening story, or browsing (浏览) the latest novel on your new e-reader. For those of you who want to try some reading in English, but have no idea of what to choose from thousands of choices, we'd like to offer the following books to help you out.The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet By Reif LarsenT.S. Spivet is a smart 12-year-old boy who maps everything, including faces, the dinner table and the geography of his home state of Montana (US). After seeing读“世界年平均降水量分布图”,完成下列问题。(1)年降水量最丰富的地区是在________(纬线)附近地区;年降水量最少的地区在________洲。(2)A地与B地都处在北回归线附近,A地的气候类型是______________,B地的气候特征是____________。(3)C、D、E分别处于亚欧大陆的东部、中部和西部,其中降水较少的是________地,导致三地气候差异的主要影响因素是________。
英语 试题推荐