
品读经典,穿越时空,历代先贤的智慧和情怀会在你的心灵中慢慢沉淀。阅读下列材料:材料一:中国人通过著书立说实现了文化的薪火相传。据不完全统计,从西汉到清代,古代中国人留下的典籍有18万种,236.7万卷,涉及经学、史学、地理、法律、医药、诗歌、农学等丰富的门类。在文化传承中,中国人的“书”也从单调的竹木简演变成了图文并茂的图书。——摘编自肖东发《中国古代出版印刷史专论》材料二:历经几千年的风雨,中国人的文化 短文填空,从下面方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空。 hear     twenty     cut    name    happy fun       send      real   read     interest Dear Joe, I’m glad to write to you!It was my (1)      birthday yesterday. I got a beautiful dress from my parents. My sister gave me a lovely pet dog. It made me (2)      and I liked it very much. At the same time, thank you for (3)      me a great gift. I love reading very much. Yesterday, I found that there was a (4)      picture in TIME (《时代周刊》). So I (5)      it out to send to you. I hope you’ll like it. Also I’ve just finished an (6)      book. It is(7)      The Bat-Poet (《蝙蝠诗人》). There are some poems (诗歌) in it. I (8)      enjoy it. If you’d like to read it, I’ll send it to you. Summer holiday is coming soon. During the summer holiday, I am trying to finish (9)       three books. What’s your plan for the holiday? Hope to (10)      from you soon! Yours, Betty
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