
Tim and Maura were good friends. One day they went to get a haircut(理发) together. Tim got a nice hairstyle(发型)but Maura didn't like hers at all.Tim told Maura that he liked her hairstyle but Maura didn't want to talk. Tim tried to give Maura a hug(拥抱)but she shouted and cried and hit Tim in the face. Tim was so sad. He ran all the way home.By the time he got home,tears were running down his face and his mother knew something was wrong. When she calmed him down,she told him that he should forgive(原谅)his friend. She explained that even though what Maura did was wrong,Tim should f(理科)2013年将举办的第十二届中国•东海国际水晶节,主题为“水晶之都•福如东海”,于9月28日在国内唯一水晶博物馆正式开幕.为方便顾客,在休息区200m2的矩形区域内布置了如图所示的休闲区域(阴影部分),已知下方是两个相同的矩形.在休闲区域四周各留下1m宽的小路,若上面矩形部分与下方矩形部分高度之比为1:2.问如何设计休息区域,可使总休闲区域面积最大.
英语 试题推荐