
When I was a little girl of seven years old, my mother enjoyed reading books. She asked my father to bring many ________ from the town library. My father usually brought as many books as the librarian ________ at a time. My mother would not like anyone to ________ her and liked finishing a story without any breaks.One day, my father managed to get the best ________ that the librarian recommended. After my mother knew that, she ________ bought some hot dogs because she thought that it was great for us all to enjoy the ________, accompanied by some family chats. My mother could ________ wait to 下列字形有两个错别字的一项是A.妇孺皆知  判若洪沟  伶牙俐齿B.隐约其辞  幅员辽阔  急待解决C.乔装打扮  魂不符体  孤陋寡闻D.非夷所思  叱咤风云  悬梁刺骨
英语 试题推荐