
选出下列有错别字的一组() A . 雀跃 堆砌 声名鹊起 络绎 B . 抽屉 缭绕 春风吹佛 断垣 C . 押解 供案 水泄不通 补裰 D . 委屈 意见 委曲求全 百闻不如一见 答案:B词汇运用。【1】Which____________(传统的) Chinese festival do you like better, the Spring Festival or the Mid-Autumn Festival?【2】Tim likes watching films, especially_________(亚洲的) horror films.【3】The leaders from different countries think _________(高度地) of the development of China.【4】---Don’t you think Ha Wen is a famous ____________(导演)? ---Yes, I do.【5】There are a number of_____________(采访) with some famous football players.【6】I’m sure you will find this book ________(value) after you read it a second time.【7】By showing us the beauty of nature, she encouraged us_________(protect) the environment.【8】---Do you know who is___________(wealth) person in China? It’s said that Ma yun is.【9】On13th, December, 2014, Chairman Xi Jinping together with thousands of people mourned(哀悼)the_________(lose) of people in the Nanjing Massacre in Nanjing.【10】All these words __________(write) on the blackboard after class. Don’t worry.
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