
On Aug 12, as white nationalists clashed with anti-racists over whether a statue of a leader in the American Civil war should be removed from a park in Charlottesville, a speeding car drove into the crowd, killing one and injuring dozens of others, reported The Washington Post.The car driver was a 20-year-old white nationalist. Actually many of the white nationalists were young men. Some may wonder how the younger generation could have become caught up in racism, yet it’s believed that racist groups are using modern techniques to appeal to them. “Younger people have access to many more for下图为非洲气候分布图。读下图,完成下列各题。1.①气候类型的气候特征是A. 全年高温多 B. 夏季高温多雨,冬季寒冷干燥C. 全年温和湿润 D. 夏季炎热干燥,冬季温和多雨2.大多数河流的流量与流经地区降水量密切相关。图中径流总量最大的是A. 甲河 B. 乙河 C. 丙河 D. 丁河3.乞力马扎罗山(海拔5895米)位于赤道附近地区,导致该山山顶终年积雪的最主要因素是A. 纬度位置 B. 海陆分布C. 人类影响 D. 地势高低 1.D 2.C 3.D 【解析】 1.非洲有热带大陆之称,从图中可知,①位于非洲北部的地中海沿岸,是典型的地中海气候,气候特点夏季炎热干燥,冬季温和多雨。 2.河流的流量与当地的降水有密切的关系,从图中可知,乙河流流经地区是热带雨林气候,全年高温多雨,乙径流总量最大。 3.从图中可知,非洲中部被南北回归线和赤道穿过,主要温度带是热带,故非洲大部分是热带。 ...
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