
For any restaurant, a star from the famous company, Michelin(米其林),is high praise for its food. Over the years, many expensive restaurants have won the stars. But this year, one star went to a small food stand named Liao Fan Hong Kong Soya Chicken Rice and Noodle(了凡香港油鸡饭面)The owner and chef(厨师) of Liao Fan is 51-year-old Chen Hanming. He cooks one of the most delicious dishes in the Chinatown of Singapore. With only two dollars, people can enjoy a plate of the Hong Kong-style chicken.Chen learned to cook soya sauce chicken 35 years ago from a Hong Kong chef. After 江Z民在中共十五大报告总结20世纪中国革命进程时说:“一个世纪以来,中国人民在前进的道路上经历了三次历史性的巨变,产生了三位站在时代前列的伟大人物:孙中山、毛.泽东、邓.小平。”请回答:(1)20世纪中国经历的三次历史性巨变分别是指什么?(2)与时俱进、理论创新是三位思想巨人的共同特点,试分别举例说明。
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