
Vira Timbaci's post office job is similar to that of many postal(邮局的)workers around the world. But there is a difference. One of the mailboxes he manages(管理)is under the sea.The post office opened in 2003. It is the world's first underwater post office. It makes it possible for visitors to send postcards back home from under the sea.It's Timbaci's job to make sure that the postcards are collected on time at 3 pm each day. He is the postal manager. Postcards are made of waterproof plastic(防水塑料). There is a special stamp on the postcard. The post office developed a 雅典人追求民主政治,用“人民”与“统治”合成这一名词强调其意义,并在实践中不断改革、创新制度。最能体现民主政治一词含义的制度是(   ) A.公民大会           B.五百人议事会       C.陪审法庭           D.十将军委员会
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