
如图a用丝绸摩擦有机玻璃棒,然后靠近碎纸屑,发现纸屑能被吸引,说明摩擦起电,带电体能______,然后将摩擦过的玻璃棒接触图b所示的自制的验电器,发现两片金属箔片会张开,金属箔片张开是因为____,用手不停地捋图c中塑料细丝,会越捋越_______(蓬松/靠拢)。 答案:【答案】吸引轻小物体;同种电荷相互排斥;蓬松【解析】试题分析:(1)丝绸摩擦过的玻璃棒带了电荷,而带电体具有吸引轻小物体的性质.(2)根据验电器的金属箔片是否张开角度来确定物体是否带电.其之所以张开角度,就是由于两个箔片带了同种电荷,同种电荷相互排斥的造成的.(3)被手My mom only had one eye. I hated her. She was such an _. My mom ran a small shop at a flea market(跳蚤市场). She collected little weeds and such to sell anything for the we needed, she was such an embarrassment. I remember that it was field day(户外活动日) during elementary school, and my mom came. I was so . How could she do this to me? I threw her a look and ran out. The next day at school, “Your mom only has one eye?" they me. I wished that my mom would just from this world so I said to my mom, "Mom, why don't you have the other eye?! You're only going to make me a laughingstock(笑柄). Why don't you just die?" My mom did not . I guess I felt a little bad, but at the same time, it felt to think that I had said what I'd wanted to say all this time. Maybe it was because my mom hadn't me, but I didn't think that I had hurt her feelings very badly. That night I woke up, and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. My mom was there, so , as if she was afraid that she might wake me. I took a look at her, and then turned . Because of the thing I had said to her earlier, there was something pinching (夹痛)at me in the corner of my . Even so, I hated my mother who was crying out of her one eye. So I told myself that I would grow up and become , because I hated my one-eyed mom and our poverty. Then I studied really hard. I left my mother and came to Seoul and studied, and got admitted to the Seoul University with all the I had. Then, I got married. I bought a house of my own. Then I had kids, too. Now I'm living happily as a successful man. I like it here because it's a place that doesn't me of my mom. This was getting bigger and bigger, when someone came to see me. "What? Who's this?" It was my mother still with her one eye. It felt as if the whole sky was falling apart on me. My little daughter ran away, of my mom's eye.1. A. shameB. delightC.embarrassmentD. advised2.A. food B. house C. book D. money3.A. proud B.embarrassedC.shyD. frighted4.A.kindlyB.disappointedC. hatefulD. loving5.A. teasedB.askedC.scoldD. blame6.A. leaveB.travelC.escape D. disappear7.A. speakB.responseC.object D. forgive8.A. good B.sadC.regrefulD. ashamed9.A.cherishedB.lovedC.punishedD. valued10.A. laughing B.drinkingC.cookingD. weeping11.A.loudly B.quietlyC.carefullyD. sadly12.A.awayB.outC.inD. over13.A.mindB.faceC.heartD. room14.A.strongB.confidentC.healthyD. successful15.A.desperate B.considerateC.comparedD. consistant16.A.indepedenceB.honoursC.experienceD. misery17. A.warnB.remember C.remindD. inform18.A.confidenceB.heartC.dreamD. happiness19.A.unexpectedB.specialC.strange D. similar20.A.tired B.scaredC.gladD. curious 
物理 试题推荐