
Backpackers(背包客) usually carry big bags on their backs. They wear jeans and T-shirts. They use a guidebook and a map. They spend the least money to visit the most places.Backpackers do lots of homework about the places they want to go to before setting out: food, hostels(青年旅舍), things to buy and so on. They also have to know where to catch a train.In their big bag they put things like clothes and medicine. A tent and a sleeping bag are also necessary when they have to live outside. Most backpackers choose hostels to stay in because they are cheap and comfortable. There are us下表反映了国民政府统治时期的经济状况,对表中信息评析正确的是国家资本经营的工矿产品占国统区工业品的比重(1947年)产品名称 占国统区% 产品名称 占国统区% 钢铁 98 硫酸 80 电 78 纺锭 60 煤 80 机制糖 90 出口植物油 70 机制纸 50        ――资料来源 陈真编:《中国近代工业史资料》第3辑,第1446页A.国家资本的膨胀使国民经济得到高速发展B. 国家资本的垄断地位阻滞了民营工业发展C. 国家资本完全通过市场竞争获得垄断地位D.国家资本的扩充缓解了国民政府统治危机
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