
I didn't have a very ______ life when I entered the middle school.For a reason that I'm still not sure of, I was frequently disturbed by a girl named Alison. She told me I looked like a rat, that I had no ______, and that everyone hated me. I would go to sleep ____ night after night from the rude text messages I would receive from her. One night my mom came into my room and asked me what was wrong. As soon as I showed her all the terrible messages I had received, she became ______. After a while, she stated that she was going to report this girl to the school. I tried to talk her out of it, af作文阅读下面材料,请以“品味时尚”为题目,写一篇文章。“人们追逐时尚,不是因为它适合自己的气质,而只是因为大家都是如此。”时尚表现为语言、服装、文艺等新奇事物,在一定时期内的模仿与流传。各种时尚层出不穷,其中,好与坏,美与丑、各种观点交错杂陈。创新与模仿永不停息地互动,有的如过眼云烟,有的能沉淀为经典。要求:①自选角度,自行立意。②除诗歌外,文体不限。③不少于800字。
英语 试题推荐