
Hans Christian Andersen was a poor boy who lived in Denmark. His father, a shoemaker, had died, and his mother had married again. Andersen’s father liked to read better than to make shoes. In the evenings, he had read aloud from The Arabian Nights. His wife understood very little of the book, but the boy, pretending to sleep, understood every word. By day Hans Christian Anderson went to a house where old women worked as weavers. There he listened to the tales that the women told. In those days, there were almost as many tales in Denmark as there were people to tell them. Among the tales told鼎是一种用来    ___的炊具。传说大禹铸九鼎,此处鼎的象征意义是                。楚庄王时“问鼎中原”,此处的鼎具体指的是                       。
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