
Conflict is on the menu tonight at the care La Chope. This evening, as on every Thursday night, psychologist Maud Lehanne is leading two of France's favourite pastimes coffee drinking and the talking cure. Here they are learning to get in touch with their true feelings. It isn't always easy. The customers-some thirty Parisians who pay just under $2 (plus drinks) per session-are quick to intellectualize (高谈阔论), slow to open up and connect. You are forbidden to say 'one feels', or 'people think', Lehanne told them. Say 'I think', 'Think me'.A care society where no intellectualizing is 不定项选择如图所示,弹簧上端固定在天花板上,下端系一铜球,铜球下端放有一通电线圈,今把铜球沿竖直方向拉离平衡位置后释放,此后关于铜球的运动情况判断正确的是(不计空气阻力)A.铜球将做无阻尼振动 B.铜球将做阻尼振动 C.铜球振动的振幅不断增大 D.释放后铜球保持静止
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