
Hi, I'm Buzz. I'm from South Africa. I'm good at running and I can play sports. Many people are afraid of me because I look scary.Hello, I'm Péter. I'm from Thailand. I'm friendly. Do you want to make friends with me? I can play soccer with you. I'm good at it.I'm Toby. I'm from China. Do you like Chinese kung fu? I can show you. Many people like me. They think I'm cute and beautiful. Do you think so?【1】What do you think of Peter?A.Scary. B.Friendly. C.Shy.【2】The three animals don’t tell us .A.where they are from B.what they are like C.how old they are读沿北纬32°线我国地形剖面图,完成下列要求(1)A代表地势第级阶梯,B代表地势第级阶梯,C代表地势第级阶梯.(2)图中各数码代表的地理事物名称:①高原,②山脉,③盆地,④平原,⑤海.(3)根据图中信息分析,我国地势的特点: .
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