
阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。While many countries are trying hard 【1】(deal) with increasing rates of childhood obesity(肥胖), Japan stands out. The country has both high scores for nutrition and very low obesity rates.Where 【2】(do) the country's secret lie? Some say it's school lunches 【3】matter a lot. According to a UNICEF report, Japan tops the charts for childhood health indicators. with low rates of infant(婴儿) deaths and few underweight children. It also has the 【4】(low) rate of childhood obesity among t三国干涉还辽后,辽东半岛的实际结局是A.仍处于日本的控制之下B.被俄、德、法三国瓜分C.俄国的势力不断扩大D.中国的领土主权得到维护
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